
Dropping Off Your Child At Preschool: 3 Tips To Help Your Children Cope With Separation Anxiety

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It’s normal for your child to feel anxious and even sad on their first day of preschool; however, 4% of children will continue to experience separation anxiety during any given school year. If this applies to your child, it’s crucial that you are sensitive to your child’s needs and are willing to work out their feelings with them, especially when you drop them off at preschool. Don’t try to sneak your way out of the room while your child is distracted.…

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Working With Your Child's Preschool To Help Improve Their Basic Math Skills

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According to a study conducted atStanford University, math anxiety is a real condition, and it can strike children at any age. If you’re just starting to introduce basic math ideas to your preschooler, you might be wondering what you can to do begin strengthening their skills and understanding at a young age. Luckily, there are several simple strategies that you and your child’s preschool can employ that can help them excel at basic math skills.…

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